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Hey guys,

So on Friday the 5th and Saturday the 6th,
I decided to do a talking fast. So for those two days I didn’t talk to anyone.
Now if you are really looking for a challenge I strongly suggest you try
fasting from talking. The hardest thing for me was when people called my name.
The point of the fast was to learn about myself, and man did I ever. I also
learned that most of the time I just say things for the point of being heard.
And I also learned that I don’t always have to contribute to a conversation,
because by doing so others don’t always get the chance. Something else I
learned is to listen to what others say, not just for the sake of creating a
reply but for the sake of actually showing people that what they have to say is
important. Another thing that I realized is when you are just listening and not
speaking, you tend to understand people better and what they say tends to stick
with you easier. After I finished the fast, it felt so weird to be able to
actually talk and ay things, sometimes it still feels like I’m not supposed to
speak, because it would be cheating or breaking the fast, when in fact it is
long gone. In all seriousness though, I would ask God if he wants you to fast
from talking before you do, because otherwise you’re just not talking for the
sake of not talking and you won’t learn as much from it.