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Thoughts & Inspiration

 Hey guys
      This week we had club, which was pretty crazy. Down here they do club a little different from the states. One of the things that they do is that they don’t plan out the whole year or semester, they get together once a week and we have a planning party. We also have a themed club and so the talk is based off what the theme of the week is, for example this week the theme was Hawaiian. We also plan the games and skits on the planning day, but we never know what the actual game is until it is happening. This week I had the opportunity to do both a game and a “skit”/dance. It was a blast and I definitely enjoyed it, but boy let me tell you guys right when club starts my heart was beating a thousand times a second, I was so nervous. Some of the challenges I faced was: language barrier, volunteers lacked. The language barrier was the hardest thing for me because I am trying to get people to play a game that I can barely explain, luckily though I had mi amiga, Heather King who is fluent and was able to translate for me. 
Seriously though I can already tell I’m going to have a blast with my fellow leaders: Romy, Rafa, Carlos, Gabriel, Jennifer, Elsa, Mari Cruz, Liana, Valerie, and Heather. (Insert pics of them.) I am also discipleing a couple of kids which has been very hard but rewarding. We have been going through the book “My First Thirty Quiet Times with God” by Ty Saltzgiver. It is hard to understand because it is in Spanish but what he is saying makes sense and seems to work. I am discipleing one kid named Jairo who used to be heavily involved in a gang. The last time I visited him, he told me that he had a dream that we were on a soccer field and white clouds fell out of the sky and we took one a piece and he took the cloud away and there was a piece of paper with Isaiah 1:18. That is what has been going on with me this past week.
(singing..our awesome band.)
(romy and me)
(musical chairs guys are the seats)
(Carlos, Gabriel, and me at club)

5 responses to “Hawaiian Club”

  1. Hey Garrett!
    I LIKE the hat!
    And your report on club and how God is growing you through leading and discipling others…VERY cool!
    Keep up the good work!
    Yours in Christ,
    Candy – you are in my prayers!

  2. Morning Garrett—- On my way to Fisk and just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy reading your blogs ….

    The Carney Family is praying for you .
    Susan Carney

  3. Hi Garrett
    Seeing you and your buddies in summer clothes is inspiring since we have been hit with a cold spell during part of the last few weeks – like one night with wind chill factor it was 4 below. Seth is in Africa as you know, Jennie Critchlow did a fabulous sermon today – she is so great – and the crowd was sparse partially due to the weather. Maggie, your grandmother, told me that Dennis and Sheryl were travelling – she didn’t quite know where, but I know they are in Texas with your brother. I went to an amazing funeral yesteday. A young Puerto Rican man whose Father in law lives above me, was wearing a red Red Sox jacket, Red Sox tie, and Red sox cap in the casket. The young man, God rest his soul, was riding a bicycle in town and was hit by an SUV and died. Awful. I’m not writing in Spanish today, but I will next time. Love the photos of the Club, the Hawaiian theme and the stunning people your are working with and the disciples.
    I will write in Spanish next time. Do learn more of it. It opens a wid new wonderful world. Con el afecto de Bettie Magee

    • sweet! It’s really great watching you coming alive in things like this and the VBS on Friday. Keep going!