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Thoughts & Inspiration

 Hey everyone,
            It’s been a while since I blogged and I wanted to update you all on what’s been going on/
happening, and what I’ve been learning. So the week after everyone else left, we pretty much chilled with all the families who came and visited. We also visited our host Mexican family, and said good-bye to them, which was very sad.
            Then we came to Nicaragua and were picked up by Seth Barnes Jr. we got in around 12 at night. The next morning we got up and went around town. We went into one church and climbed the tower and saw all over Granada. We have also been visited a few different ministries for example: we went to the Hogar de ninÞas, the Hogar de Ancientos, Jicaro. I loved the Jicaro; I got to cut them up. The whole point of the Jicaro is to create a place for youth to be off the street in a Christian environment, and a job. For every bracelet, candle or bowl sold four dollars is donated to Vida de Jovenes (young life). The cool thing about the Jicaro is that the young life in the U.S. Has a matching grant for every dollar earned here, they will donate a dollar to the Nicaraguan young life. For my quiet times I have been going through the book of John. It has been really good to read it and see the differences from Mathew, and the other gospels.
            I may be helping with a bike shop called Bicimaximo, but I’m not sure what I would be doing with it. We are also trying to make a café in front of it since there is some extra room in the shop. I hadn’t planned on doing Jicaro, but I am just really interested in it, helping cutting with a dremel, and varnishing some Christmas ornaments. I am really excited about doing Vida de Jovenes, but that doesn’t start until January. But that is what as been going on recently. Thanks u guys for taking time to read this blog and I appreciate all the prayers you guys r giving me and my team.